Everyday new malware threats or the new variants of existing malware are being created by the cyber-criminals. Even though security companies do their best in analyzing the new threats and including them in the virus definitions, some newer threats could still slip under the radar. This is why you should frequently keep scanning your PC with some portable virus scanners that use a different antivirus engine than your main security software. There are several of such tools available, for example, McAfee Stinger and EMCO Malware Destroyer.
Sophos Clean is also a new portable anti-malware tool that is able to detect all different types of malware infections in your PC. It is a great second-opinion anti-malware tool to see if a malicious program has remained undetected by your primary security software.
Sophos Clean is a portable program and does not required any installation. You can launch it and just click on the Next button to start the scanning of your PC. By default, it uses the default scanning settings. But you can also make it use the quick scan settings by clicking on the downward arrow in the Next button.
The scanning itself takes a few minutes to complete after which you can see the scanning log – how many threats were detected and which files were infected etc. If it detects any threats, then it is able to remove them and replace the affected files with original copies.
Sophos Clean is a signature less anti-malware tool – it does not rely on virus definitions. It is designed to look for 0-day malware threats – the kind of malware that has not been analyzed and has no detection signatures yet. This makes it very useful tool for sniffing out any possible malware even on the up-to-date and well protected computers.
You can download Sophos Clean from https://www.sophos.com/en-us/products/sophos-clean.aspx.