Save Images and Articles in Nimbus Note Using Nimbus Web Clipper

A few weeks ago, the most popular note taking app – Evernote announced a hike in the subscription fees making many of the app user seek new alternatives. The free Nimbus Note is one of such alternatives that offers everything that Evernote can do and has clients that run on all the popular platforms. In addition, Nimbus Note also comes with a browser extension called Nimbus Web Clipper that works for many popular web browsers like Chrome and Firefox. This browser extension can capture or save the images, articles or text from web pages into your Nimbus Note account.

After you have installed the Nimbus Web Clipper extension in your web browser (we used the Chrome browser), you can access it by clicking on the Nimbus icon in the toolbar. Needless to say that the extension does not work unless you login to your Nimbus Note account. If you do not have any Nimbus Note account yet, then it can also create a new account for you.

Nimbus Web Clipper

The extension allows you to save a fragment from the currently open web page, the complete web page, an article from the web page, or selected images from the open web page. All different items must be selected before they are saved to your Nimbus Note account. For example, when we selected to save images from a web page it displayed a gallery of all the images from the open web site. After selecting the images, you have to click on the Done button to finish saving them.

Nimbus Web Clipper

You are not limited to accessing the Nimbus Web Clipper from the toolbar icon alone. You can right-click anywhere on a web page and choose the Nimbus Clipper context menu to save the full page or the URL to your Nimbus Note account. You can also use a hotkey Ctrl+Shift+U to initiate the selection of items on a web page.

Nimbus Web Clipper

You may be wondering how you would access the saved items once they are saved. For accessing the items saved through Nimbus Web Clipper extension, you need any of the Nimbus Note clients for any of the supported platforms – Web App, Android, iOS, Windows Mobile, Windows PC etc. The easiest way is to access the Nimbus Note through the web app.

Nimbus Web Clipper

Conclusion: Nimbus Note users may find it very easy to add notes through the Nimbus Web Clipper. It can help you capture text, images, links, articles or the full web pages from the internet.

You can get the Nimbus Web Clipper extension and Nimbus Note application from