Gone are the days when you had to swipe your credit card across a card reader machine to make the purchase of some goods or make the payment for some services. Now newer technologies like NFC and EMV have replaced the older magnetic strip technology used in the credit cards. If you have applied for and received a new credit card in the recent months then chances are high that your credit card is NFC compliant. NFC stands for near field communication and can be used to communicate with your credit card without making any physical contact.
The NFC ready card readers are already in use in some restaurants. The waitress approaches you table, you place your credit card near the card reader which instantly reads the data from your credit card, then you verify and make the payment. If you want to see what kind of data your card is making public to the NFC card reader machines, then you can use the Credit Card Reader NFC app for the Android smartphones.
This app works only on Android smartphones with NFC support. You can find a list of many of the popular NFC enables Android smartphones from http://www.nfcworld.com/nfc-phones-list/. This list does not include all the phones, so you should check your phone’s manual to find out if your phone has this feature.
After installing this app on your smartphone, if you hold your credit card or debit card that has NFC feature, then the app will read all the possible data being transmitted by your credit card and display it in your smartphone.
It displays the card number, expiry date, CVC/CVV code, card holder name and the transaction details and more. Some card issuer banks block the transmission of the sensitive data like the card holder’s name or the recent transaction details.
You can get the Credit Card Reader NFC app from https://github.com/devnied/EMV-NFC-Paycard-Enrollment.
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Harry Grower