Imagine how hard it will be to find your school report if you store few pages of the report in your desk drawer, few more pages in your school bag, and some pages in a folder placed on your desk. Windows also finds it a little harder to read a file that is stored in multiple physical locations on your hard drive. Such a file is called fragmented because its various fragments are located in various non-contiguous physical locations on the hard drive. In order to make the file access faster, you have to relocate all the fragments of the files in a process called defragmentation.
We have reviewed many tools that can facilitate easy defragmentation of your files in Windows. But almost all of them target the entire partitions instead of the individual files and folders. A new software called WinContig is different in this regard and can actually perform the defragmentation of the user selected files and folders.
In the WinContig interface you can click on the Add button to add any file or folder that you wish to defragment. By default, it choose to cover all the sub-folders too in a recursive fashion. But you can choose not to process the sub-folders. If there are some files that you want to exclude, then you can click on the Filter and specify the criteria for the files to be skipped. You can save these settings into a profile too which can later be loaded.
Clicking on the Defragment button will start the defragmentation process and you will be shown all the statistics pertaining to the process. Any errors encountered will be listed under the Errors tab which usually include the access denied errors for files like hiberfil.sys or pagefile.sys.
Verdict: WinContig is a free portable defragmentation utility and its ability to defragment user selected individual files and folders sets it apart from all the other similar applications. You can even specify which files you do not want to be processed.
You can download WinContig from