On average, people spend one hour everyday just in commuting between home and work. For some people, the time spent could even be longer. If you use a public transport like tunnel, train or bus for commuting, then you can spend this time in listening to podcasts. Useful, humorous and informative podcasts not only cheer you up, but may teach you new things that you did not know about.
But of course, for enjoying the podcasts you must first have a very good podcast app. Going through the never ending list of apps, if you are think of giving up and throw your smartphone in the fire place – stop and install the free Podcast Player app on your Android phone.
Podcast Player is one of the best podcast players available for the Android users. It makes finding all the podcasts very easy. As soon as you launch the app, it displays all the featured podcasts. And if you have selected your favorite categories in the settings (at least three categories must be picked), then i will also display trending podcasts from those categories. If you are feeling adventurous, then you can just go through each of the podcast categories (there are dozens of them) and check out those podcasts that you have never heard about.
By default, Podcast Player picks all the podcasts available in your country (determined by your IP address). So if you are an American traveling to Philippines, it will show the local Filipino podcasts. But there is a quick fix for this – you can tap on the menu, select Country and then make a selection of your preferred country.
The free version of Podcast Player displays sponsors but you can pay for the full version and remove all those nagging screens. This app is a must-to-have for all the people who love to listen to radio and audio books.
You can get the Podcast Player app for Android from https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.podcast.podcasts.