Microsoft Edge browser has been available for the Android users for a while now. Every now and then Microsoft keeps releasing new updates for this browser and as far as Android is considered, each of the updates comes with some new features. The latest update has a new feature called Visual Search that allows you to search for various things by snapping them using the phone’s camera. This is really very useful when you want to search for something that you cannot really describe in words.
The first thing that you would need for using the visual search feature is one of the updated versions of Microsoft Edge browser or the Microsoft Launcher for Android. In the Edge browser this feature can be seen right on the new tab page as you launch the Edge browser. You simply have to tap on the camera icon and it will show the interface where you can capture the object you want to look for.
You do not have to capture a new picture every time, you can also use pictures from your camera roll (the pictures you snapped earlier using your phone camera). This is very useful when you do not have WiFi or any other Internet connection when you are snapping an object. For example, if you find a weird insect crawling over the park bench – you can snap its picture there and then come back to your home to visually search for it using the Edge browser.
It will analyze the snapped picture for some time and then fetch the similar looking pictures from the Bing servers. All the sites that contain similar pictures will be listed along with the thumbnails of those similar looking pictures. If you are not satisfied with the results then you can choose to select only a portion of the snapped picture and perform a visual search once again.
Visual Search also includes bar code scanner which is going to be a great help for shopping various things. You can snap pictures of various items or directly scan their bar codes (including QR codes) and get the results. This also displays all the online shopping sites that are selling that item.
you can use this from bing search too