Visual Math 4D : Equations Solving Calculator for Android

Scientific calculators for students are very cheap but not many of them can do what “Visual Math 4D” calculator for Android can. With this app you can solve complex equations of many variables and also lets you visualize them graphically. This app is available in two editions – lite edition which is free and the regular edition which is not free but contains more features.

This app has all the functions that make it very useful for the students of both the high school as well as of undergraduate courses at a university.  For example, it can solve differential calculus and integral calculus problems, it can solve matrices and determinants problems, it can solve problems related to trigonometry and more. It is able to draw graphs with one or two variables like f(x), g(x,y) or h(x,y,z). It can draw more than one graph on the same screen.

Visual Math 4D

In addition to the hobbyists and teachers, students who love mathematics will also find this app very interesting. This app could become very popular among some of the students who excel in mathematics. This app can be used for everything a student wants – it can help you solve the equations, it can find derivatives or integrals. Furthermore, the calculator supports complex numbers, statistical functions and value and truth tables. For example, Cartesian, spherical and parametric functions can be plotted and visualized in 2D and 3D graphs.

Visual Math 4D

In fact, the most powerful feature of the “Visual Math 4D” app is graphical representations of all kinds of equations. The graphical representation is the great strength of “Visual Math 4D”. The visually enhanced functions can be viewed from any page. For every equation, you can choose to display a number of graphs like 2D Cartesian, 3D Cartesian, Polar graph, Spherical graph, Parametical graph, 2D Vectorfield or 3D Vectorfield.

Conclusion: Visual Math 4D is an excellent graphical calculator that allows you to visualize and solve your mathematical equations quickly on your Android smartphone.

You can get Visual Math 4D calculator from