When you are looking for something online and are going through a bunch of websites, you take down notes on a piece of paper or Windows Notepad. But what happens is that all those slips of paper get lost and you can no longer find where you saved the TXT file using Notepad. A better way of managing notes is through a note taking app like Evernote, but if you want a simpler and easier approach then you can try the Tiny Notepad extension for the Chrome web browser.
After installation of Tiny Notepad in Chrome, it places an icon in the Chrome toolbar. You can access Tiny Notepad using this icon any time. You can type your notes manually in the Tiny Notepad window. It comes with some very basic formatting tools for making text bold, italic, underline text, inserting URLs, adding bullet lists, adding numbered lists, removing all the formatting, adding headings or normal text and more.
You can copy the text from other websites into Tiny Notepad too. And if you are signed in to your Google account, then this information will be synced to your other Chrome browsers on other platforms as well. But for syncing, you must be signed in to your Google account. At the same time, it can show the notes offline and does not require internet access to fetch your notes. Internet is needed only for syncing the notes across all the other Chrome web browsers running on other devices.
Tiny Notepad for Chrome browser makes it very easy and convenient for you to take notes down when you are busy researching something online. It is also great for making shopping lists and then going through the list as you shop for the items online.
You can get Tiny Notepad extension for Chrome from https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tiny-notepad-minimalist-q/boofeaigohaafnfbmonmbnfklndgbgak/.