Convert Image File Formats with AVS Free Image Converter

There are many reasons why you would want to convert an image file from one file format to another. For example, if you want to share images online with your friends, you should use JPEG file format as it offers better compression with acceptable quality. For casual once-in-a-while image conversion, you can use any image editor installed on your computer. But when you want high quality image conversion of multiple files at the same time, you have to use specialized software like AVS Free Image Converter.

This free image conversion software supports all the popular image file formats such as JPEG, BMP, PNG, GIF, TGA, TIFF etc. Furthermore, it can also convert image files into PDF documents. A single PDF document can be created containing all of your image files which is helpful if you are trying to create a portfolio of your photography work.

AVS Free Image Converter

The user interface of AVS Free Image Converter allows you to add all the supported image files types to the list in the window. You can rotate the images from within the thumbnail view of the added images. From the conversion tab of the window, you can choose the output file type, select resize and renaming options and finally click on the Convert Now button to start the conversion process.

Other than the image conversion, AVS Free Image Converter also allows you to perform other operations on images. Under the “Correction” tab, you can change the brightness, contrast, saturation etc. You can also apply the image effects and texture to your images. Under the “Watermark” tab, you can choose to apply the text or image based watermark to your image files. Watermarking is useful to make sure that when you upload images to Instagram, nobody else can abuse them.

You can download AVS Free Image Converter from