Airytec Switch Off : Schedule Windows Shutdown Easily

Coming home after a hard day’s work, sometimes we are so tired that we can barely keep our eyes open. And you still have to download some important files from the internet so that you can prepare notes for the next meeting. After starting the download, you can happily go to sleep knowing that your computer will be automatically shutdown if you are using a shutdown timer software like Airytec Switch Off.

Airytec Switch Off is a small, lightweight, easy-to-use shutdown timer that can be conveniently accessed from the notification area. You can simply right-click on the notification area icon and choose one of the actions that you want to schedule. From the right-click menu, you can schedule shutdown, restart, log-off, sleep, lock, close dialup or VPN connections. You can even create your own custom actions or a set of actions using a script. For example, you can create a custom action that can run a few tools or command line programs before finally initiating the shutdown.

Airytec Switch Off

From the right-click menu, you can pick predefined time periods for scheduling the above mentioned actions. For example, you can make your PC shutdown within 5 minutes. But if you want more options, then you have to first choose the “Schedule Task” option and then specify a custom countdown period, select an action from the drop-down menu, and more. You can also choose to forcibly close the application at the time of shutdown.

Airytec Switch Off

There are options to initiate the sequence of actions other than using a countdown timer, for example, you can specify an exact time & date, you can choose to run the actions when there is no activity in your computer of when there is no user activity. You can even set the shutdown schedule through a remote computer or smartphone.

You can download Airytec Switch Off from