YACReader : Comic Books and eBooks Reader

In the recent years, there is a push to go green in all the organizations. In an attempt to go green, everyone is avoiding the use of paper in every which way possible. For example, many banks now email you monthly statements in PDF file format instead of the paper statement that they used to mail you. Similarly, many online shopping sites do not send a paper invoice and just email you a PDF invoice.

And now you can download comic books in the electronic formats too. Mainstream comic books are now available through various apps or devices such as Amazon Kindle. On the other hand some of the older comic books (from 1930s, 40s or 50s era) are also available from various old website archives. These comic books or ebooks are available in the CBR and CBZ formats. CBR is a RAR archive containing scanned copy of various pages from the comic book in the JPEG format. Similarly, CBZ is a ZIP archive containing the JPEG images.


You can use YACReader comic book reader for quickly opening and reading the CBR and CBZ files. YACReader is available both as a portable application as well as in form of setup installer. It associates itself with both CBR and CBZ files so that you can simply double-click on these files and read them in YACReader.

YACReader has a very intuitively designed user interface that makes it very easy for opening comic book and other ebook files. You can navigate through the various pages in an ebook using your mouse or arrow keys. You can choose to view it in the single page or dual page format. You can zoom-in or zoom-out, rotate or fit the the pages to the screen. You can also switch to the full-screen mode.

Conclusion: YACReader is a great application for opening and reading your comic books. It supports reading both the CBZ and CBR comic book files. It supports full-screen and dual-page view modes.

You can download YACReader from https://www.yacreader.com/.