It has been more than 10 years now since Microsoft released their popular operating system Windows 7 back in 2009. Microsoft is going to stop the extended support for Windows 7 in January 2020. If you are still using a computer running on Windows 7 then it is time to buy a new Windows 10 based computer. And if you want to migrate your data stored on your older Windows 7 computer to new Windows 10, then you are in luck – Intel, Microsoft and Laplink have decided to make the Express edition of PCmover available for free for all the Windows 7 users who wish to switch to Windows 10.
Using this free version of PCmover Express (which otherwise costs US $29.95), you can move all of your files, settings, and profiles from your older computer to new computer. In the free version, there is a limitation – it cannot move your applications (installed software) from old PC to new one. There is no such limitation in the regularly purchased PCmover Express.
In order to use PCmover Express for migrating from Windows 7 to Windows 10, you will need two computers – the older one running on Windows 7 and the new one running with Windows 10. You have to install PCmover Express on both of these computers and put them both on the same LAN network. Laplink also sells special Ethernet and USB data cables for directly connecting the two computers.
Once this is done, launch PCmover Express on the old computer and choose the option “PC to PC Transfer”. In the next step, you have to pick the transfer method – USB cable, Ethernet cable or LAN network. After this it will analyze the two computers and the transfer of settings, profiles and other files is started.
Because Laplink is providing this tool free of cost in collaboration with Intel and Microsoft, this free version of PCmover Express works only if both computers have Intel processors and only if you are migrating from Windows 7 to Windows 10. Furthermore transfer of applications is not allowed.
You can download PCmover Express Free from
It works!
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