Bing is Microsoft’s search engine that displays very beautiful images as backgrounds on their desktop website. These backgrounds are often captured by professional photographers from all over the world. Many people have created tools to use these Bing backgrounds as Windows desktop backgrounds and we have published about such tools before such as Bing Wallpaper, Bing Desktop or Bing Wallpaper Downloader that can automatically fetch and set these wallpapers from the Bing site.
Now Microsoft has create their own official tool called Bing Wallpaper that can automatically fetch these HD background images and set them as Windows desktop background. The software comes with a setup installer which offers to setup Bing as your default search engine and default home page in various web browsers that you have installed in your Windows PC such as Microsoft Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. You can uncheck these options to avoid it from changing your search engine and homepage settings.
Once setup, it places itself in the notification area of Windows desktop and starts running in the background. It is automatically launched at Windows startup. It keeps checking the localized version of the Bing site for any new backgrounds. Upon discovery of a new background, it will download that image and use it for the desktop wallpaper for your PC. All the desktop backgrounds have a Bing logo watermark over them.
From the notification area, you can right-click on the Bing Wallpaper icon and change the desktop wallpaper to previously displayed Bing background image. For each of the backgrounds, it shows a brief description, the photographer who snapped the picture and the agency that holds the copyrights of the picture.
Microsoft’s own Bing Wallpaper tool is going to be loved by all the Windows users. It is install-and-forget type of software that brings new wallpapers to your Windows desktop – one more beautiful than the other.
You can download Bing Wallpaper from