Color Cop : Tiny Color Picker Application for Windows

Color Cop is a very small application for Windows that helps you pick any color from the color palette or from any pixel visible on your screen. It is fully portable and can be run without installing anything on your system. It uses a dated .HLP file. Even though you won’t need much help when using this program, but if you really want to access the .HLP file and if you are using Windows 10, then you may have to install Windows 10 WinHlp32.exe on your system.

Color Cop shows a tiny window on your screen that has all the essential tools for selecting colors. It has a very basic color palette from where you can pick all the basic colors. As soon as you pick any of the colors, its color code is displayed in the window. In the beginning it displays the HTML color code for the picked color. But you can right-click on Color Cop window and select a mode for displaying the color code in various formats- HTML Hex, Delphi Hex, PowerBuilder, Visual Basic Hex, Visual C++ Hex, RGB float, RGB int, Carion Hex and more. All the color codes are copied to the clipboard as soon as you select them making it very easy for you to use them in other applications.

Color Cop

It comes with a screen magnifier tool that can zoom the screen to many levels. This magnifier can be used to select the color from a tiny pixel without making any mistake. The eye dropper tool can be used to pick the color from your screen or the zoomed portion displayed in the Color Cop window. It displays previously selected seven colors in the window so you do not have to repeat the previous color selection maneuvers.

Color Cop is a small but smart color picking tool for Windows. It is a multipurpose portable tool that can be used by web designers, app developers, game programmers, graphics designers and more.

You can download Color Cop from