Renaming files and folders is very easy under any operating system. On a Windows PC, you can simply select a file, press F2 and then type in the new name. But when you are dealing with multiple files these methods are not sufficient. For renaming multiple files at the same time or to rename with in a certain order, you would need a batch file renaming tool like Rename Master. It is a freeware tool using which you can rename files by choosing from a number of ready-to-use renaming scripts. In addition, you can also make your own custom renaming rules.
It is available as a portable application but can also be installed on your PC. It comes with example scripts from which you can learn how to use the renaming scripts. First of all, you have to add all the files that you want to rename. Then you can choose one of the renaming scripts and modify it to suit your needs.
From the default set of scripts, you can choose to remove parts of file names, replace some portion from the file names, split filenames, swap the file names, add something to the file names at different positions etc. You can also choose to change the case of the file names – make them upper case, lower case, capitalize all words, detect and capitalize roman numerals and more.
Clicking on the “Rename” button will carry out the file renaming tasks as specified by you. If you use a certain renaming task very often then you can also generate a batch file for that task. Next time you can run that batch file and it will quickly carry out all the same tasks without any trouble.
Rename Master is easy-to-use and very powerful batch file renaming software. It uses renaming scripts that define how the renaming operations take place. It can perform advanced file renaming using metadata such as EXIF and MP3 tags (ID3).
You can download Rename Master from