Samsung Dex : Extend Samsung Galaxy Mobile as Desktop Computer

Samsung Dex is a way to extend your Samsung Galaxy smartphone into a full blown desktop computer. It is a software that is built inside all the Galaxy smartphones manufactured after 2017. You can simply attach your Galaxy phone with a desktop monitor and use the Android operating system on a much larger screen. Samsung Dex is not just screen mirroring – on the desktop screen, you see an operating system designed to be run on a large screen just as you would use other Android based operating system like Bliss OS or Phoenix OS.

There are two ways to use Samsung Dex – 1. Using special hardware and 2. Using a PC.

Method 1. Using Special Hardware

With this method, you would need a few things other than your Samsung Galaxy mobile phone. For example, you will need a desktop monitor with HDMI port, Bluetooth ready keyboard and mouse, and a cable to connect your phone to the HDMI port of the desktop monitor. The special Samsung Dex cable is easily available from Amazon.

You have to first connect the Bluetooth keyboard and mouse with your Samsung Galaxy phone. Then you can use the special cable that attaches to the HDMI port of the desktop monitor on one end and the micro-USB port of the Galaxy phone on the other end.

Samsung Dex

As soon as your connect the cable to the HDMI port, it will boot into Samsung Dex and will display the Android for desktop. You can use it as usual. For longer sessions, you will need a wireless charger for your Galaxy phone.

Method 2. Using a PC

In this method, you already have a Windows PC. You do not really need any special hardware, but you have to download Samsung Dex software and install it on your Windows PC. After the installation, you can launch Samsung Dex and then connect your Samsung Galaxy phone to your PC using the usual USB data cable. It is recommended that you use a USB 3.0 port for connection.

Samsung Dex

The benefit of using Samsung Dex software on a PC is that you can switch between the Windows and Android operating systems instantly. You can also copy data between the two operating systems.

Conclusion: Samsung Galaxy owners can enjoy full blown desktop experience using Samsung Dex. It is available on all the flagship Samsung Galaxy smartphones like S8, S9, S10, S20 and also various tablets.

You can find more information about Samsung Dex from