How to Safely Convert Drives from NTFS to FAT32

FAT32 was the popular file system used by Microsoft Windows operating system until Windows XP came along. During the days of Windows 95/98, all the hard drives were FAT32 formatted. There was NTFS available but not for Windows 9X users. NTFS was available only for the Windows NT and Windows 2000 users. Starting with Windows XP, Microsoft made NTFS available for everyone – even for the home users as it provides many more benefits over the older FAT32 file system such as security and support for larger partitions.

However, there are times when we need a drive to have FAT32 file system for a number of reasons. For example, smaller drives like a pen drive having 8GB capacity give you better data transfer rates (when you copy files on them or from them) if they have FAT32 file system instead of the newer NTFS. This is because FAT32 does not provide security and user access features. File attributes are also limited on a FAT32 system.

Macrorit NTFS to FAT32

If for any reason you want to convert a volume, partition or storage device from NTFS to FAT32 without losing data, then you can try a freeware called Macrorit NTFS to FAT32 Converter. It is very easy to use software that works all computers running any version of Windows from XP to Windows 10.

Macrorit NTFS to FAT32

Using it is very easy. All you have to do is attach the storage device to your computer and then launch Macrorit NTFS to FAT32 Converter. Choose the volume that you want to convert from NTFS to FAT32 and then click on the Convert Now button. After a brief confirmation, it will start converting the file system to FAT32.

The main advantage of this utility is that it allows conversion of NTFS to FAT32 even if there is existing data on that partition. It supports NTFS partitions larger than 32GB in capacity and converts them to FAT32 partitions.

You can download Macrorit NTFS to FAT32 Converter from