When I worked at the helpdesk of an ISP, I had to copy paste canned texts to the customers hundreds of times everyday. In those canned speeches, we had to replace a few words and the answer was ready for any customer. Usually we can replace a few words or phrases in the text using any text editor like Microsoft Notepad or Notepad++, but when we have to replace words from hundreds of files then it will become a painfully tedious process to do everything manually.
If you have to replace words or texts from a number of text files, then you can make use of a freeware tool called Text Replacer. It is a small Windows application that allows you to conveniently replace words or phrases in text, text files or a folder containing text files. It is really fast in operation and supports Unicode characters.
In the Text Replacer window, you have to specify words and their replacements on the left side. You can copy-paste the text on the right side. You can also choose the text files or the folders containing text files on the right side. After you have selected the original words and replacement pair from the left, you can click on the Replace button and it will perform the replacement in seconds. You can then save the files by clicking on the Save To File button. If you want to revert the action, then there is an Undo button as well.
Unlike the text replacement tool for Linux grep, it does not allow wildcards or regular expressions in the text replacement pairs. You can leave the replacement blank, if you want to remove a word instead of replacing it.
If you want to save the word replacement pairs for future use, then you can save them in presets. For this you can click on the Presets and then choose to save the settings to a presets file. The same method is used to load a previously saved preset file.
Text Replacer is a nifty little tool for all your batch text replacement needs. It can save your valuable time when you have to replace only a few words in your text files and does it in seconds.
You can download Text Replacer from https://www.g-software.ma/textreplacer/en/.