Create Sketches from Pictures Using AI in Seconds

These days AI (artificial intelligence) has become an essential part of the video and image editing software. Through the use of AI we can carry out an editing task in just a few seconds which would have take multiple steps and many minutes if not hours of our time. Similarly, with the help of the AI editing we can achieve much better quality compared to the manual editing work.

If you want to use AI to create the sketches of your pictures then you do not have to invest in any expensive Adobe subscriptions. Instead, you can just use a web app “Image to Sketch AI” to do the job in a matter of seconds.

For using this web app for creating sketches, all you need is a web browser. There are no special requirements and any kind of computer can be used for turning your pictures into sketches. After visiting “Image to Sketch” in your web browser, we can just drag-n-drop the image file on the webpage in the specified area.

Image to Sketch

There are some restrictions on the size and type of the images. You can upload only one image at a time. The image must be of PNG, JPG, or JPEG type. The image dimensions cannot exceed 5000×5000 pixels. Even though these restrictions exist, most of the pictures easily satisfy these conditions. If your images are not of these types or are larger in dimensions then you can use an image editor to save the image in proper dimensions and file types.

Image to Sketch

The results of the AI image to sketch conversion are visible in a few seconds. It generates many sketches and all of them have a “Download” button under it. We tried it with many images and found out that it works better with the portraits of people.

You can visit “Image to Sketch AI” web app at