Kate is a popular text editor known to the Linux users. It usually comes installed with the KDE desktop environment on a typical Linux system. But now it is also available for the Windows and Mac users.
Kate is a very powerful text editor that supports syntax highlighting for hundreds of programming languages. It can recognize the extensions of various files and instantly applies the appropriate syntax highlighting for the detected languages. For example, if you open hello.c then it will identify it as a C language file, for hello.cs it will identify it as a C# file and so on.
Kate comes with support for Git so that you can download and upload source code files directly to the sites like GitHub. Obviously, you can also open the files from the local storage drives. You can also open entire projects as well as individual source code files. These sections are conveniently located to the left side of Kate’s window.
Kate is very customizable and offers many different color themes. By default, it uses a dark color scheme called Dark Breeze. There are other color schemes such as Breeze, Breeze High Contrast and Breeze Light. These color schemes can be used at a different time of the day or night to reduce the strain on the eyes.
Kate offers tons of functions related to editing which includes search & replace, spellcheck, changing the case, line functions, comments and more. We can configure external tools that we can run the source code through – these tools can be compilers or your own custom programs to process the files. We can even integrate powerful open-source compiler package Clang with Kate to do all the C-family compiling which includes C, C++, objective-C, CUDA, OpenCL and more.
Kate is certainly a very rich text and source code editor. It works on Windows, Linux and macOS. It packs support for hundreds of programming languages, scripts and compilers.
You can download Kate for Windows from https://kate-editor.org/get-it/ or from https://binary-factory.kde.org/view/Windows%2064-bit/job/Kate_Release_win64/.