We all have a few MP3 files lying around on their PC somewhere. These MP3 files could belong a number of categories such as audio books, interviews, radio shows, music, sports commentaries and more. Furthermore, these MP3 audio files could come from a number of sources, for example, you could have recorded them yourself, downloaded them off the internet, procured them from a third -party and so on.
Based on the category, source and the genre of the MP3 files, you may want to organize them properly so that you can later find them easily. This is more important for the people who keep a large collection of MP3 files. With the help of the free Zortam MP3 Media Studio, you can manage your MP3 collection with much ease.
Zortam MP3 Media Studio comes with all the tools that one may need to organize, categorize, manage and edit their MP3 audio files. In addition, it also has a built-in audio player using which you can enjoy listening to your MP3 files anytime. The tool allows you to edit ID3 tags, find CD covers on the Internet, convert MP3s to WAV, and create audio CDs.
The first thing that you have to do is to add your MP3 files to the Zortam MP3 Media Studio library. In fact, it asks you to search your computer for any MP3 files as soon as it launches. After adding your files, you can access a number of operations from the toolbar and the menubar. All the contents of the music library can be exported into a CSV or HTML list. It can also import items from iTunes library if it is installed. It can also search the library for duplicate audio files and normalize their audio level.
From the toolbar, we can use the auto-tag feature which scans the selected MP3 file and then tries to find its information which can then be saved into its ID3 meta data. Similarly, it can search for the cover images for a song or track and save it inside the meta data. These images are compatible with iTunes library if you use it. It also comes with a set of converter tools using which we can convert audio CDs to MP3 files, convert WAV files to MP3 files or convert MP3 files to WAV audio files.
All in all, Zortam MP3 Media Studio is a very good MP3 files management software. It can easily handle larger MP3 collections and search for your files in seconds. It is a must-to-have tool on your PC, if you want to manage a large number of MP3 files.
You can download Zortam MP3 Media Studio from https://www.zortam.com/.