File hashes are also called file checksums and they are values calculated based on the date contained inside the file using a number of special cryptographic algorithms. There are many such hashing algorithms such as MD5, RIPEMD, SHA-1, Whirlpool, or Tiger and more. These hashes are useful to determine whether the contents of the files have changed. This is because when the file data is changed, the calculated file hash also changes.
As anyone can guess we need special tools for calculating the file hashes. There is a very popular and free file manager called File Voyager which can be used to calculate file checksums. It supports many many file hashing algorithms. Here is how we can do it:
- Download and install File Voyager from
- Launch File Voyager and browse to the folder, files in which are to be hashed. Select all the files that you want to calculate hashes for, and then click on the Hash Tool button in the toolbar.
- This will open another window from where we can select all the hashing algorithms that we want to use for hashing. Available hash algorithms are CRC16, CRC32, HAVAL, MD2, MD4, MD5, Panama, Ripe MD, Sapphire, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, Snefru, Square, Tiger, and Whirlpool. After making a selection, click on the button labeled Compute Hashes.
- You will see yet another window with all the details of files and all of their calculated file hashes. You can save all the calculates hashes to a CSV file. You can also choose to save only a particular type of hashes for all the files to the CSV file.
This is a very fast and easy way to calculate the file hashes on a Windows PC. The File Voyager file manager is not just about calculating and matching the file hashes, but it comes with many different features. For example, it comes with VLC codecs so that you can preview all sorts of media files from within the file manager itself.