Self-Test for English Words : Google Vocabulary Quiz

So many students from all over the world aspire to study in the US, UK, Australia or Canada every year. But for admission to various educational institutions and universities in these countries, the very first requirement is efficiency in both written and spoken English. In order to provide their English efficiency, students from non-native English speaking countries have to get a high score in either of the IELTS or the TOEFL tests.

While you can get private coaching for preparation towards these tests and buy those bulky books, Google also offers a simple tool to test your English language vocabulary. The questions appear to be similar to those that you will find in the TOEFL tests. Here is how you can use Google Vocabulary Quiz for the English language:

  1. In your Google Chrome web browser open this link: This works on both the desktop computers and mobile devices such as a smartphone. But the quiz is seems to be designed to work on smaller mobile screens.
  2. Choose which type of quiz you want to play – Normal or Hard. The normal quiz is not easy either but that depends on your level of English efficiency.Google Vocabulary Quiz
  3. It is a MCQ (multiple choice questions) quiz and you will be given four difference answers to pick from. For example, it can ask a similar word for “globe” and you have to pick from world, atlas, earth and planet.
  4. For each question, you may score a maximum of 100 points. If you delay to answer then you score less. If you answer wrong then you score nothing for that question.
  5. In the end, your final score will be displayed and you have options to play again, change difficulty or reviewing your answers.Google Vocabulary Quiz

Google Vocabulary Quiz is a fun activity for everyone and is very useful for the students for whom English is a second language. They can benefit from practicing regularly and learning newer words everyday.