When Microsoft released Windows 10, they changed everything related to releasing Windows updates. Now they release major updates twice a year and keep releasing the minor updates every month. This policy has continued with Windows 11 too and the next major update for Windows 11 is due the next October when they will release Windows 11 22H2 update.
But with this update they are changing the system requirements a little and will also make it a strict policy to use an online Microsoft account. But how do you check if your current Windows 11 system is ready for the new October 22H2 update and won’t cause any problem?
If you have not used any tool to disable or pause automatic updates on your Windows 11 PC, then you can follow these simple steps to determine your system’s compatibility with Windows 11 22H2:
- Right-click anywhere on your desktop and choose Open in Windows Terminal from the context-menu.
- In the terminal window, enter the following command: REG QUERY “HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\TargetVersionUpgradeExperienceIndicators\NI22H2” /v “RedReason”
- When the terminal gives you the output, you will see either None or many strings. If you see None then your system is compatible with 22H2 update for Windows 11.
If you see any output other than “None” then those are the reasons why your system is not good enough for the latest Windows 11 update namely 22H2.
If you see an output that the system was unable to find the specified value then you have to enable automatic updates and check after a few weeks later. You can also use Windows 11 compatibility checker tool, but that tool might not give any idea specifically for the 22H2 October 2022 update.
Of course, 22H2 is still far away and Microsoft might make many changes until then. With these changes the system requirements, compatibility and other update related features also could change. We should be checking for these system requirements in September 2022 to find out what is going to actually happen.