Hex Comparison is a very fast, lightweight and easy-to-use hex editor and file comparison tool. Using this simple application, we can pick any two binary files such as EXE or DLL files and then compare them in the hexadecimal mode. Hex Comparison installs a right-click function in the context-menu of Windows File Explorer which makes it very easy to open any file for binary or hexadecimal editing.
Hex Comparison is very fast and does not consume many of the system resources. When we open a file in this hex editor using the right-click context menu, it is opened in the traditional hex editor mode. We can search through the opened file and find both the ASCII or binary strings easily. It allows searching for the UNICODE strings too.
When we open two files for comparing them, it opens both the files in the same window. The hex code of both the files is displayed in two frames separated horizontally. This way we can compare both the files bit by bit. The differences between the two opened files are shown using a color code which makes is easy to visually spot the differences without closely examining them. We can also jump straight to the differences easily.
When we open a file in Hex Comparison, it opens that file in the read-only mode. Before making any changes in any of the open files, whether binary or text file, we have to turn off the read-only mode. This ensures that we do not make any changes to the open files accidentally. Making even a single byte of changes in any binary file might end up in unexpected results.
Hex Comparison is a useful tool for developers and file analyzers who would want to view the hexadecimal data inside the files, compare the files and make changes to them.
You can download Hex Comparison from http://www.exeicon.com/hex-comparison/.