MSI gaming laptops are considered one of the best gaming computers in the world. I have myself used MSI laptops and their performance is really awesome. They are also very popular with college students and the Youtubers who want to edit their videos. When editing videos, you also need a powerful GPU and lots of RAM which is easily available through MSI gaming laptops.
If you also own an MSI gaming laptop, then you can control its performance using a software called MSI Center. It is designed by MSI and can be used on any MSI gaming laptop. Since the newer MSI laptops come with AI technology, this software also has features for harnessing AI to provide new features to the user.
MSI Center has a feature called Smart Auto. Instead of asking the user to choose an available mode manually, you can keep working on whatever you are doing and let Smart Auto choose the mode for you automatically. This providers for not only fast mode switching but also the user does not have to bother with changing the modes.
Another AI powered feature offered by MSI Center is Ambient Silent AI. This feature checks for the noise in the surroundings and adjusts the performance level accordingly. Similarly, it can also increase or decrease the speed of the cooling fan to reduce the noise caused by the cooling fan.
MSI Center comes with easy theme switch. You can choose the auto-ambient light theme mode which changes the computer theme according to the ambient light. You can also choose the light or dark modes manually.
If you are using your MSI laptop for both gaming and working, then you can use the MSI Center’s Gaming Mode feature. Using it we can boost the PC performance to make it ready for gaming in just one-click.
You can download MSI Center from