Alarm++ : Versatile Reminder Application for Windows PC

There are so many things on our mind these days in this busy life that is it very common for us to forget about important events, anniversaries, and days. For example, we all have forgotten the anniversaries of our loved ones once or twice and then regretted later. One easy way to remind yourself about these important days and events is to use a reminder application such as Alarm++.

Alarm++ is a reminder application for Windows. It can be used to set reminders for birthdays, anniversaries, meetings, dates, deadlines and more. The application is highly customizable and we can set our own music which is played when an alarm is triggered and a reminder window is displayed on the screen.

Even though Alarm++ is available for all the versions of Windows, its updated versions are available only for Windows 8.1, Windows 10 and Windows 11 64-bit versions. For the Windows XP, Windows 7 and other older versions of Windows they have older versions of Alarm++ available for download.


We can create a reminder by right-clicking on the notification area icon of Alarm++ and choosing New Alarm. In the window that opens, we can add name, message, time, snooze time and whether to delete the alarm after a single event is triggered.


There are also many advanced features for the alarms – how many times and how often the alarm is to be repeated, on which weekdays the alarm should be run, which audio file should be played for the alarm, whether Windows Text-to-Speech engine is to be used to read-out some message, the location and the size of the alarm window, whether a command, application or batch script is to be run, and we can also choose to send an email message when alarm is triggered.

The alarm is displayed using a simple window interface with options for snooze. We can click on the Off button to dismiss the alarm/reminder window. If you hit the snooze, the reminder will be displayed again in a few minutes.


Alarm++ is free application but in the free version we can create only a limited number of alarms (five). In the paid version, these limitations are removed and we receive new updated for free as well.

You can download Alarm++