How to Enable Dark Mode in Microsoft Autoruns

Dark mode is now an essential feature of all the applications and operating systems. This is because it gives the user an option to work late at night when it is dark in the surroundings. When working in the dark, it is better to have a darker screen in order to reduce the stress on the eyes. It is also beneficial for the natural sleep cycles which can be disrupted because of the bright light coming from the screen after sunset.

Now even the SysInternals applications like Autoruns have a built-in dark mode. We can switch to the dark mode easily in the GUI version of Autoruns. For this, we have to first download and update to the latest version of Autoruns. The new version package of Autoruns comes with both the 32-bit and 64-bit editions of GUI and CLI versions of Autoruns.

In the Autoruns window, we have to select Options, Theme and then Dark. This will instantly apply the dark theme for Autoruns. However, it is better to close Autoruns and then launch it again for smoother operation.

Autoruns Dark Mode

One another way to enable the dark mode/theme for SysInternals Autoruns is by directly editing the registry values. For this, we have to first launch the Registry Editor and then navigate to the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Sysinternals\Autoruns. This registry key exists only if you have launched Autoruns at least once.

Autoruns Dark Mode

We have to add or edit the registry value named Theme and change its value to Dark in order to enable the dark theme. If you leave this value empty or delete the registry value itself, then Autoruns runs in the default theme for your Windows operating system.

Autoruns Dark Mode

You can download Autoruns from if you have not downloaded it already. The downloaded ZIP comes with both the Windows GUI version of Autoruns and a command line interface version of Autoruns.