K7 Scanner for Ransomware & BOTs is a portable anti-malware tool offered free of cost by K7 Computing, the makers of K7 Antivirus software. It can be run without any installation. We can keep it on a USB pen drive and use it to scan any Windows PC whenever needed. The scanner comes with virus database included and does not nee an active internet connection for it to work.
After we launch K7 Scanner, it presents us with three options – complete scan, quick scan, and custom scan. In the complete scan, it scans the entire PC (included all the drives connected) for high-risk ransomware and bots. In the quick scan, it scans only the critical area of your PC which is where the malware usually hides. And in the custom scan, we can choose a folder or drive to be scanned.
During the scan K7 Scanner checks all the files in the target location using the malware definitions included in the downloaded K7 Scanner for Ransomware & BOTs package. This is why it is important to always download the K7 Scanner tool fresh before the scanning has started. The malware definitions are good for a week but after that you should download the latest version from the K7 Security website.
If your PC is safe from the malware, you will see the result – “We found no risk”. But if it actually finds some malware hidden in your PC, it will give you a the list of found malware. We can select the malware and then click on the Clean button to get rid of the malware.
Even though K7 Scanner for Ransomware & BOTs is a very useful tool for finding and removing ransomware and BOTs on your PC, it does not provide full real-time protection from all kinds of malware. The tool also suggests that you upgrade to K7 Total Security or K7 Antivirus Premium for full and complete protection.
You can download K7 Scanner for Ransomware & BOTs from https://www.k7computing.com/free_scanner.