When you are connected to the internet, all sorts of applications and programs connect to the internet. With the help of the NetLimiter software, we can monitor which of the applications are connecting to which of the network. It can also be used to control the network connections, allow the traffic, block the traffic or limit the data traffic rate.
During the installation, NetLimiter installs a system service on Windows. This means that even when NetLimiter window has been closed, it still keeps monitoring everything happening in the network in the background. NetLimiter also comes with a Blocker feature which instantly blocks the network traffic.
In the NetLimiter interface, you can check the current network activity which is divided under various categories such as Windows, DNS, system, applications etc. You can click on any of the processes to see the details related to it and change the rules for these applications. We can also see the rules list and the filter list.
In order to define a rule, we have to right-click on the target process and then choose to add a new rule from the context-menu. In the window that opens, we can chose a zone such as local network or internet. Under the “Rule Type” you have to specify which type of rule should be created.
We can set the “Limit” rule which limits the program’s network usage. Similarly, we can set the “Firewall” rule which creates a firewall rule. There are other features such as priority of a process and the quota. The priority determines which program is preferred when using the network. The quota of a process ensures that a program is only allowed to download or upload a certain amount of data. For example, you can set the quota of Firefox to only 2GB.
You can download NetLimiter from https://www.netlimiter.com/.