PDF Arranger : Rotate, Split, Merge, Duplicate, Delete, Insert Pages

PDF documents are used by everyone because they can be viewed easily on any platform with the help of freely available software. PDF files are also preferred when you want to share printable documents such as application forms, invoices or certificates.

If you have PDF files that have pages in incorrect order, in incorrect orientation or you need to remove or add new pages, then you can try a freeware called PDF Arranger. As its name depicts, PDF Arranger is able to arrange the pages of a PDF in any order as you want.

PDF Arranger is an open-source tool and is actually a front-end GUI for another open-source tool called pikepdf. Using this application, we can merge or split PDF documents. We can also rotate, crop and rearrange the PDF pages using a graphical user interface.

PDF Arranger

PDF Arranger is available in form of a portable application which does not require installation on the hard disk drive. After launching PDF Arranger, we have to drag-n-drop the PDF file which needs modification on the PDF Arranger window. It displays all the pages inside the PDF file in thumbnails format.

We can select the PDF pages and then right-click on them. In the right-click menu, we have all the available options such as delete, insert blank page, rotate left, rotate right, crop white borders, duplicate pages, split pages, merge pages, and more. We can also select a few pages and choose to create a small PDF booklet from them.

PDF Arranger is based on pikepdf command line tool and therefore supports all the features and functions offered by pikepdf. It is able to work with password protected PDF files. It can save the PDF files in the compatible formats that work well with all the PDF viewer applications.

You can download PDF Arranger from https://github.com/pdfarranger/pdfarranger.