Sudoku is a numbers puzzle that has been around for many many years. In this puzzle we have to follow three rules. All the rows must have a number from 1 to 9 exactly once. All the columns must have a number 1 to 9 only once. And all the 3×3 squares are going to have the digits 1 to 9 only once. We can see one or two Sudoku puzzles published in the daily newspapers. But if you want to play more Sudoku puzzles then you can try the Stefan Trost Sudoku application.
In the “Playing with computer” mode we can create new puzzles to play on the computer. The user interface makes it look so much fun and we don’t feel like we are playing a Sudoku puzzle published in a newspaper or magazine. We can choose from a number of levels to create the puzzle such as beginner, advanced and professional.
We have to click on one of the available numbers in the empty cells to fill those cells with these numbers. When we have filled all the numbers in all the cells, it will show us whether we solved the Sudoku puzzle correctly.
This Sudoku application is also a great way to create and print puzzles for the kids. For printing the puzzles, we can switch over to the “Print Mode” tab. We can choose the game type from free training, free beginner, free advanced, free professional, classic Sudoku beginner, classic Sudoku advanced, classic Sudoku professional, or user defined.
We can also choose how many puzzles are going to be printed per page. Finally we can click on the “Prepare” to generate the puzzles and print them. If you have a PDF printer (such as Bullzip PDF printer) installed, you can also save the puzzles into a PDF file.
You can download the Sudoku program from