Clever FFmpeg GUI : Smart GUI for FFmpeg for Windows

FFmpeg is a well known media manipulation and conversion tool. It is open-source and supports almost all types of media file formats and codecs. With its help we can convert one media file into many formats, extract media, add subtitles and more. It can also be used to record or stream.

While FFmpeg is undoubtedly a really powerful tool, it comes only as a command line program. This could be a problem for some people who do not want to do all the typing of the various commands. Fortunately, there are a many GUI frontends for FFmpeg such as “Clever FFmpeg GUI”.

Clever FFmpeg GUI is a graphical user interface frontnd for FFmpeg. It is designed to be smart and does some of the tasks on its own.  It comes in form of a portable program, and it requires no installation. You can simply decompress the archive and start the application from there.

Clever FFmpeg GUI

On the first launch of this tool, it asks for two things – the first being the location of the “bin” folder of the FFmpeg installation. You can point it to the folder where the “ffmpeg.exe” and other files are located. The second thing it asks for is the folder where output files are going to be placed. This folder can be an easily accessible location on your computer’s storage drives.

The user interface might confuse the beginners at first, but it is really very easy. After adding the source files (selected by clicking on the “Select source” button), it will display the stream information inside these files. We can then click on the “Main” button to see various operations available.

Clever FFmpeg GUI

On the “Main” window interface, we can find tools for extraction of the streams, for encoding the video, for encoding the audio, for multiplexing, cutting, joining, and working with the chapters in the video.

Clever FFmpeg GUI is a practical tool for those users who want to use the powerful FFmpeg but are afraid to dabble with its command line interface. It works as expected and does not put excess load on the system resources.

You can download Clever FFmpeg GUI from