Google Santa Tracker 2023 : Where is Santa Right Now?

The entire month of the December is basically Christmas season. People start decorating their houses and offices. We start buying gifts for our loved ones. We have fun wrapping the gifts and writing special greetings for the gifts. There are carolers singing everywhere. Whether it is TV or radio, Christmas movies and songs are being aired.

But for the kids, all the want is Santa to bring gifts for them. They want toys, gadgets and lots of sweets. All kids are busy preparing their wish list. Some kids also take time to write letters to their dear Santa. But where is Santa during all this season? Fortunately, Google engineers have figured a way to track Santa.

We can visit Google Santa Tracker site at to find out where is Santa right now. It shows the world map and the current location of Santa’s Chariot being pulled by nine reindeer. It also shows how many gifts have been delivered and where he is going next.

Google Santa Tracker 2023

If Santa has not reached your city or country yet, this site has many fun activities for the kids. The site is available in many languages. There are activities like – Out like a light, Santa Selfie, Ollie under the Sea, Code Boogle, Elf Jetpack, Elf Jamband, Snowball Storm, Elf Maker, Code Lab, Wrap Battle, Penguin Dash, Build & Bolt, Memory Match, A day at the Museum, Gift Slingshot, Gumball Tilt, Present Bounce, Elf Glider, Quick Draw, Santa’s Canvas, Season of Giving, Holiday Traditions, Penguin Proof, Where’s Santa, Santa Search, Reindeer Runner, Wind Tunnel etc.

While Google’s Santa Tracker shows you the current location of Santa, do not stay up watching when he comes to your town. You can go to bed knowing that Santa will come to your home only when you are fast asleep. You can thank Santa in the morning for all the gifts that he has brought you.

We can visit Google Santa Tracker site at