IObit SysInfo Free : Displays Detailed System Information

When we buy a brand new computer, we already some knowledge about the basic hardware information such as the CPU, graphics cards, storage capacity, and the screen size. This is because we buy the new computer after checking this basic hardware information. But we are still curious as to what gems are hidden deep in the new computer’s hardware. For checking the detailed system information for any Windows PC, we can use a free tool called IObit SysInfo Free.

IObit SysInfo Free is a Windows application that displays the details of the system information. It includes the information about the software installed on the PC as well as the hardware information. Additionally, it can also monitor and show the temperature of the various hardware components in real-time. Unfortunately, it is not portable application and must be installed on the PC.

For the motherboard only the temperature is displayed. We can set a temperature threshold for the alerts. When the system crosses that temperature threshold, IObit SysInfo displays an alert. The users can take some appropriate actions when such an alert is displayed. For example, they can close the processes that are stressing the system too much for a few minutes.

IObit SysInfo

The user interface of IObit SysInfo displays a summary of its findings for your PC when we launch it. Near the bottom edge of the window, we can find the temperature and usage of CPU, GPU, disk, memory (RAM) and the motherboard.

For specific information, we can choose one of the categories from the left side. There are several categories available such as operating system, processors & motherboard, memory devices, display, drives, network, and other devices.

We can export the displayed system information to a file by clicking on the “Export” button. It allows the user to save the information into HTML or TXT type of files.

You can download IObit SysInfo Free from