Passper for Word : Unlock Word Documents in Seconds

There are several scenarios in which someone may want to unlock a password-protected Word document. First of these situation is the most common – forgotten passwords. When creating a Word document years ago, you protected it with a password that you believed to be very easy to remember. But after all these tears, you have forgotten that password altogether. In this case, you may want to unlock that Word document using tools like Passper for Word.

There are many other reasons for using Passper for Word such as security testing. You used a password to protect your Word document and now want to see how long it takes to break that password. If the document gets unlocked very fast, then you may want to use some other stronger password.

Passper for Word has a wizard like user interface. It takes us from one step to another in order to unlock the Word documents. It supports both the old format (DOC) and the new format (DOCX) of the Word documents. In the first step, we select the Word document that has to be unlocked. We can select only one Word file at one time.

Passper for Word

In the second step, we have to give it some basic information about the password. If you know the password partially then you can add that information here. For example, you can tell it that the passwords begins with some letters, or that it ends with certain letters. Another information you can provide is the number of letters in the password.

Passper for Word

In the final step, we choose a method for unlocking the Word document. We can choose from the brute force method, dictionary attack, masked password attack, or a combination of these methods. Of all these, brute force method takes the longest time however is guaranteed to come up with a positive result sooner or later.

Passper for Word

In our test, we used a Word document protected with a very simple four letter password. Passper for Word unlocked this document in a few seconds. It is anyone’s guess that it will take much longer for a stronger password.

You can download Passper for Word from