When Windows 10 was first released in 2015, there were only a few options for changing the mouse pointer color. We have covered that in a previous post – how to choose mouse pointer color and size in Windows 10. Back then the only colors available for mouse pointer were white, black or inverted color. These colors have been available for Windows users since the times of Windows XP.
In the newer builds of Windows 10, now Microsoft has added options to set a custom color to the mouse pointer. So now you can make your mouse pointer to have any color that you like – pink, blue, purple or anything else. The options allow you to use a color selection dialog to pick your color, this means that now you can have a mouse pointer with any color from a million different combinations.
So this is how you can assign a custom color to your mouse cursor in Windows 10:
- Press the hotkey Win+I to open Windows settings. Alternatively, you can also click on Start and then on the cogwheel icon to open the settings.
- In the settings window, first select Ease of Access and then Cursor & Pointer.
- Under the Change pointer size and color section, you can click on the rainbow colored circle to be able to set a custom color for your mouse pointer.
- You can choose from a number of suggested pointer colors or you can click on the color picker to open the color selection dialog to select a custom color for your mouse pointer.
If at any later stage, you get bored of using a particular color for your mouse pointer, then you can simply follow the same steps and select a new color. Similarly, you can revert back to the default white pointer or black pointer from the same section of settings.