Generate Strong Passwords with QuickPasswordGenerator

All the online accounts are protected by a username and password. This is why we should always use very strong passwords for all our accounts. Even if you have enabled secondary protections like two-factor authentication (2FA), it is still advised to use strong and difficult-to-guess passwords.

In order to find a strong password, different security experts use different approaches. Some of them have created a method to use personal information such as name, address and date of birth to generate really strong and unique passwords. Then there are methods such as password cards that can be used to have strong passwords for all your accounts.

But the easiest method is to use a program to do all the dirty work for you and create very strong passwords for your use. QuickPasswordGenerator is such a password creator program. It is open-source and works only on Windows. With its help, we can generate as many passwords as we want.


In the QuickPasswordGenerator window, we have to choose the various parameters  such as the length of the password, the character set to use, whether to make password upper-case or lower-case, whether to use numbers and special characters, etc. After this we can click on the Create button to quickly generate the password. We can then copy the password for our use in any app or website.

QuickPasswordGenerator offers many themes for the users who want to have a much more appealing window. These themes can be selected from the menubar. We can choose themes like black, big persian indigo, white, big white, big black, gray, big gray, blue, big blue, persian indigo, dark green, big dark green etc.


These days many web browsers such as Firefox and Chrome are also offering in-built password generators, which means that we do not really need external password generators. But still when we have to use strong passwords, we can seek help from programs like QuickPasswordGenerator.

You can download QuickPasswordGenerator from