On a Windows PC the time is set mainly in two ways. The users can set the time manually through the Windows settings. For this you have to double-click on the time in the lower right corner of your Windows PC desktop and then click on Date and time settings. In the settings screen that appears in front of you, there are all the options to change the current date and time as well as the time zone.
The second method of setting the date and time on a Windows PC is by getting the current time from a configured time server. Windows comes with a time server (time.windows.com) already configured. But we can change these time servers to much more responsive ones as mentioned in How to Change Time Using Online Time Servers.
There is also a free tool called Vovsoft Time Sync for PC which makes synchronizing the time with the online timer servers very easy. This tool is available as a portable application. We can launch it and it will automatically try to fetch the current time for your PC from the preset time servers.
In its window, we can choose one of the time servers from the drop-down list which contains time servers from Microsoft, Google, US Government, NTP and Vovsoft. We can also manually type in other time servers of our own choice such as the one from the University of Montpellier (chronos.univ-montp3.fr). We should pick a reliable time server like ntp.pool.org.
Clicking on the button Get Server Time, we can fetch the time from the selected time server. Similarly, we can click on the button Sync Computer Time to synchronize the local time with the time fetched from the remote time server. There is also an hotkey Ctrl + Alt + T to quickly sync the time between the local and remote computers.
You can download Vovsoft Time Sync from https://vovsoft.com/software/time-sync/.