Uninstall a program in Windows Vista

If like many others, you also download and try many software but only want to keep the ones you really like, then you have to uninstall the ones you want to remove from Windows. If you install a piece of software or program in Windows Vista and later decide to remove it, then you can uninstall it using the following procedure.

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Windows Vista – God Mode feature

Windows enthusiasts have found a hidden feature in Windows 7 (which also works in Windows Vista). They have renamed it the Windows’ God Mode. It lets the users access all the settings of Windows from a single folder. It works in all versions of Windows Vista and Windows 7. But some 64 bit Windows user have complained that it may cause the system to crash.

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Hide drives in Windows Vista

There are many reasons we all want to hide a drive on our computers at different times. Sometimes, its the little kids who want to play games on your computer and you worry if they can delete your important files. Sometimes, you want to get rid of the legacy Floppy disk drive icon in your Computer folder. You can hide a drive using a little tool.

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