We have posted about Smallpdf many times before as it offers web apps to convert JPEG images into PDF documents and to compress PDF documents to reduce their size. And now Smallpdf has finally introduced their own PDF Reader software for the desktop computers. Smallpdf PDF Reader is available for Mac or Windows computers and offers all the features of Smallpdf web apps including the ability to compress the PDF documents as well as to convert the PDF documents into various other formats.
Compared to the leading PDF reader software like Foxit PDF Reader or PDF X-Change Viewer, the Smallpdf PDF Reader comes in a larger setup installer package. While Foxit Reader 9 is a 55MB download and PDF X-Change Viewer 2.5 is only 17MB download, Smallpdf PDF Reader 1.8 is a large 100MB download. This appears to be resulting from including the Microsoft .NET 4.5 framework redistributables along with the setup installer.
Smallpdf PDF Reader is being offered in a freeware version and in a pro version for which you have to pay $6 per month. The difference in the free version and the paid pro version is that the free version is just a minimalist PDF viewer and has no other tools. The pro version includes tools to compress PDF, convert PDF, digitally sign the PDF, integration with cloud storage, and many more.
After the initial installation of this software, you can try out some features of the pro version, for example, compressing PDF documents and converting PDF documents into other file types for a total of three days. They are also going to include many other tools in the future like editing, merging, splitting, rotating, signing, and protecting the PDF documents. After the three days trial of the pro version, you can keep using it as a PDF viewer application.
You can download Smallpdf PDF Reader from https://smallpdf.com/pdf-reader.