DirPrintOK : Print Directory List or Save as HTML, Word, Excel or Text Document

If you want to create a list of all the MP3 files or video files that you have collected over the past many years then you can simply use the basic command in the “cmd.exe” shell that goes something like “dir /b > list.txt” which will give you a very simple list of all the files in a specified directory. This list will be saved as a plain text file “list.txt”.

But if you want a well designed list of the files that can be saved as an HTML file or Microsoft Word document, then you will have to use a program like DirPrintOK. This tool is designed by Nenad Hrg – the same developer who has created many other utilities like KeepMouseSpeedOK and AutoPowerOptionsOK.

The user interface of DirPrintOK allows you to select the directory of your choice in many different ways – there is a treeview control through which you can select any folder, there is a location bar on top and you can also use the toolbar icons to select various folders.


You can choose to include and exclude files using wildcards and it will instantly create the list of files in the main interface. At this point you can either click on the Print button in the toolbar to send the list to the printer or you can export the list to a file. The option for exporting the list is available in the menubar and allows you to export the list to an HTML file, a plain text file, Microsoft Word document, CSV database file, or an Excel file.

DirPrintOK is a portable tool for quickly generating the list of your files and export them into many popular document formats. The list contains not only the path, file name and the file size, but also the attributes and file dates. It is really useful for people who want to create a record of their files for later use.

You can download DirPrintOK from http://www.softwareok.com/?seite=Freeware/DirPrintOK/.