Category: Internet

Using Mailinator for fake email address

Every next web site now wants you to register using your email address before you can post your comments. Some web sites want you to put in your email address before you can download. Although, most of these sites do not sell your email addresses to spammers but a tiny fraction of them do. Now, you can use to have a temporary disposable and fake email address.

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Access bookmarks from anywhere

You have bookmarked dozens of web sites but you can access these bookmarks only from your own PC. What if you are at a friend’s house or away from your home enjoying vacations? How would you access your favorite sites that you bookmarked? One solution is to make a free homepage and put the links of your bookmarked web sites on it. But it needs a little knowledge of HTML. If you do not want to go into coding and making a web page, then you can use any of the following bookmarking services.

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Enable thumbnail preview for all tabs in Firefox

Windows 7 shows thumbnails preview of all windows of same kind (actually same windows class). But Firefox, by default, does not allow this for all sites open in its different tabs. By default, Firefox shows only one thumbnail of the presently visible tab. But a using little tweak you can make it show thumbnails of all the sites open in different tabs as follows.

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Disable Google Buzz

Google introduced its social networking service – Google Buzz in the second week of February 2010. Google Buzz is available from right inside the Google Mail. Many users have raised concerns over Google Buzz’s privacy problems. If you have started to use Google Buzz but now want to disable it, then you can do so easily as follows.

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Open new tabs at extreme right in Firefox

Mozilla Firefox version 3.6 has a new tabbing behavior : when you click on a new link which is supposed to be opened in a new window or tab, or you right-click on a link and select – Open in a new tab, the tab is inserted right next to the current tab. This is different from the older behavior when the new tab was opened to the extreme right of all the tabs. If you do not like the new tabbing behavior, there is a way to change it back to the older way of tabbing.

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Check for Firefox plugins updates

Firefox users are advised to update the plugins installed in the Firefox browser from time to time in order to prevent any interruption while browsing or due to exposure to malware, viruses and other security threats. Plugins do not always update automatically, hence, users need to check from time to time whether the installed plugins are up to date.

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