Manage your passwords using LastPass

If you keep forgetting your passwords to various web services, then you can use the online password management utility from LastPass. You can access LastPass without any plugin but full access to LastPass features requires installing a plugin. The LastPass installer tool installs a plugin in most of your browsers and using which you can store and retrieve your passwords.

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Add vuvuzela sounds to any web page you visit

World Cup Soccer 2010 are different in the sense that all the matches are haunted by the loud vuvuzela sounds coming from all around. A vuvuzela is a blow horn. When several vuvzelas are played together they make a noise resembling a swarm of angry bees. Now you can browse the web as if you were at World Cup Soccer 2010 – adding the vuvuzela sounds to every web page you visit.

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Play vuvuzela in background of YouTube videos

If you are watching the World Cup Soccer 2010 matches being held in the South Africa, then you already know what vuvuzela is. A vuvuzela is a blow horn being played all around in the World Cup Soccer matches, and many people say it is very distracting. Now YouTube had added a feature to play the vuvuzela sound in the background of any video, just like you hear the vuvuzela being played in the World Cup Soccer matches.

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Add Macmillan dictionary search in Firefox

The Macmillan English dictionary is an award winning dictionary first published in the year 2002. If you want to add the Macmillan English dictionary search to your Mozilla Firefox searchbox, then you can add it easily. This would allow you to look up word definitions and the thesaurus in the Macmillan English dictionary for free.

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Auto-hide the taskbar in Windows 7

Many people do not like the taskbar sticking at the bottom edge (or any other edge) of their screen, as it is not used all the time. You can make the taskbar to show only when you need it. This way you can get more working screen. This is how you can auto-hide the taskbar in Windows 7.

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Hide Clock in Windows 7

Windows 7 shows the clock in the bottom-right of the computer screen. This clock displays the local system time. Some people think it as a waste of screen space, as they can also see the time on the wall clock or wrist watch. If you want to hid this clock, here is how.

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