Category: Windows XP

How to Disable Active Desktop Recovery in Windows XP

Often when you restart your Windows XP computer, your desktop looks weird and shows an Active Desktop Recovery error. One of the reasons for this error is that your Internet Explorer browser stopped working in the middle or you had to restart your computer because some application crashed. If this error is occurring too often, then you may want to disable the Active Desktop Recovery completely.

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Find Updates to Installed Software Using FileHippo Update Checker

Most of the security related problems arise because you have been using older software. The new updated versions come patched for many security vulnerabilities and loaded with new features. Now you can use the FileHippo Update Checker to find out if the updates to the software installed on your computers are available. The Update Checker will scan your computer for installed software, check the versions and then send this information to to see if there are any newer releases.

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Create a New User Account in Windows XP

If many people use the same computer in a family or an institution like school, then it is always a better idea to make separate Windows accounts for every individual. This way everyone can have their own separate settings like browser bookmarks, desktop wallpapers etc. You can create a new user account easily in Windows XP. For creating a new user account, you must have computer administrator level privileges.

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Change Password for a User Account in Windows XP

If your computer is used by many people, then it is highly advised that you keep your Windows user account password protected. This way nobody else can access your user account except yourself. If you are a computer administrator, then you can change or assign password for any user account. If you are a standard user, then you can change password for only your account.

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Change User Account Picture in Windows XP

Windows XP assigns a random picture to your account after you have installed Windows for the first time. Windows also assigns a random picture after you create a new user account. This picture appears on the Windows logon screen and on the Start Menu. You can change this user account picture easily and assign either one of the pictures that come with Windows, or you can use your own custom picture.

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Run a program as a different user in Windows XP

It is advised by security experts to normally use computer as a standard user and use the administrator level access only when needed. As a standard user, when you need to do administrative tasks like installing software, you do not have to log off and log on as administrator. But you can just run a program or run a command as Administrator right from your standard account session.

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